PHP Classes

What is the best PHP mongodb class?: Need a simple framework that wraps the low level mongodb

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What is the best PHP mongodb class?


Picture of Barton Phillips by Barton Phillips - 11 months ago (2024-02-11)

Need a simple framework that wraps the low level mongodb

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It should wrap low-level Mongodb in a more usable interface.

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1 Recommendation

XMongoDB : Build and execute queries to a MongoDB database

This package can build and execute queries to a MongoDB database.

It can compose queries to retrieve, insert, update and delete documents using a fluent interface to define several parameters of the queries.

It can also create a database and document indexes.

The parameters define values like the collections of documents to be accessed, conditions on the fields of the documents to match, order and range of the documents to retrieve, etc..
This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 26695 - 10 months ago (2024-03-14) Comment

Hello Barton,

There are several packages to access MongoDB.

Can you try this one and let us know if it meets your needs?

Recommend package