PHP Classes

Simple PHP MySQL QR Code Generator: qr code generator

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Simple PHP MySQL QR Code Generator


Picture of prognetlink by prognetlink - 1 year ago (2024-01-18)

qr code generator

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I need a simple PHP qr code generator to develop an application that uses MySQL.

  • 1 Clarification request
  • 1. Picture of The Algoslingers by The Algoslingers - 11 months ago (2024-01-28) Reply

    Object of MySQL could not be converted to string. You should have specified type of data to include in the QR Code. E.g: JSON/OUTPUT

    Ask clarification

    1 Recommendation

    QR Code Generate: Generate QRCode images using Google Charts API

    This class can generate QRCode images using Google Charts API.

    It can take as arguments many types of parameters of user contact details.

    The class generates a string that includes parameters to pass to Google Charts API to generate an image of a QRCode.

    It can return the generated Google Charts API URL or return HTML to display the QRCode image.
    This recommendation solves the problem.
    This recommendation does not solve the problem.


    Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 26695 - 1 year ago (2024-01-18) Comment

    This package can generate a QR code image for a PHP application regardless of the database type that you use.

    Recommend package