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Recommendation for a PHP class to generate imagemap: Generate an imagemap by drawing rectangles over an image

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Recommendation for a PHP class to generate imagemap

A request is featured when there is no good recommended package on the site when it is posted. Edit

Picture of Serge Grenier by Serge Grenier - 1 year ago (2023-12-16)

Generate an imagemap by drawing rectangles over an image

This request is clear and relevant.
This request is not clear or is not relevant.


I have a database with a table for all my images.

The table has a field with the URL of the image and another field for the imagemap data.

I have a display script that generates the HTML page using the image URL and the imagemap data.

I write the imagemap data manually, and it is tedious.

I need a script that will enable me to drag the mouse over the area to be a hot spot and enter the destination URL. Do that as many times as needed.

When I submit the form, the generated imagemap will be saved to the database.

  • 1 Clarification request
  • 1. Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos - 1 year ago (2023-12-17) Reply

    It does not seem there is a package now that can do that precisely like you want.

    It seems you want an imagemap visual editor. Seems like an excellent idea.

    You can either do that using a canvas HTML object using some JavaScript events to process the user interaction with the images, or you can wait and see if one of our colleague developers has a solution like that or can develop a solution for you.

    I think Google Maps implements a solution similar to what you want.

    It would be an innovative solution to have a PHP and JavaScript package to do that.

    Ask clarification

    2 Recommendations

    PHP HTML Image Map: Generate HTML for image maps

    This package can generate HTML for image maps.

    It can take an image URL and the definition of areas of the image that will be associated with URLs of pages that the user browser will be redirected to when the user clicks on those image areas.

    The package can generate HTML for image maps to display the image with clickable areas.
    This recommendation solves the problem.
    This recommendation does not solve the problem.


    Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 26695 - 1 year ago (2023-12-30) Comment

    Now, this package can also generate image maps for images with clickable areas, given the locations of the areas and the URLs of the destination pages when the users click on those areas.

    PHP Imagemap Class: Generate clickable image maps in HTML

    This package can generate clickable image maps in HTML.

    It takes the coordinates of areas of an image and associates URLs of pages that the user browser will be redirected to when the users click on the image areas.

    The package also takes the URL of an image and generates HTML to display the image with map areas that the users can click to lead their browsers to the pages associated with the clickable area.
    This recommendation solves the problem.
    This recommendation does not solve the problem.


    Picture of Eric Jumba by Eric Jumba package author package author Reputation 90 - 1 year ago (2023-12-17) Comment

    This class allows you to define clickable areas on an image, and when users click on those areas, they are redirected to specific URLs. In this example, I'll create a basic class that allows you to add rectangular clickable areas to an image.

    Recommend package