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PHP Application Packer: Create packages of project files for distribution

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This package can create packages of minified project files for distribution.

The package comes with plugins that can minify files of PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, JSON and XML.

It can take a given directory or ZIP archive and create a directory or ZIP archive with the files of a project.

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 * PHP Application Packer (PackApp.php)
 * The usage sample
 * @package Packer
 * @author Vallo Reima
 * @copyright (C)2015
$ver = '5.4'; /* required PHP */
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, $ver, '<')) {
"PHP $ver+ version is required");
} else {
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
ini_set('display_errors', true);
ini_set('log_errors', false);

'PackApp.php'); // main class, loads the others if needed

$old = ''; // source zipped
$new = 'tests_pkd'; // destination folder

/* js and php obfuscation; maximum replacement of the PHP identifiers except 'vv' identifier; defined constants can be case-insensitive */
$obj = new PackApp(3, ['ids' => 'VdHFTC', 'exi' => ['vv']]); // instantiate
$rlt = $obj->Pack($old, $new, true); // pack the source and get result data; replace existing data

header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
if (
is_string($rlt['factor'])) {
$rlt['factor']; // switch to setup
} else {
$r = $rlt['code'] == 'ok' ? 'string' : 'prompt'; // either protocol or message
echo (str_replace(["\t", "\n"], ['&nbsp;&nbsp;', '<br>'], $rlt[$r])); // display with html

if (
$rlt['code'] == 'ok') {//success
file_put_contents(pathinfo(__FILE__, PATHINFO_FILENAME) . '.txt', $rlt['string']); // save the protocol


PHP Application Packer

PackApp.php is a complete solution to pack your application's project files into the delivery package. The source code is minified and obfuscated, impeding unauthorized use.

The target audience: ISVs, freelancers, developers, resellers, all who need a lightweight utility to turn the project into the delivery package. The solution is oriented to the PHP applications, but can be used for the front-end projects too.

There are many minifiers, obfuscators, encoders around. Some commercial encoders are very good, but rather expensive and may require system extensions. The others are limited with a single source type only. The Packer is a handy integrated solution.

How it works

PackApp.php packs the project files: minifies the source (html, css, js, json, php, xml), obfuscates the code (js, php) and compresses the result files. The source can be either a single file or a folder which may have sub-folders. The destination is a packed file or a folder with the packed files. The ZIP archives are handled also: folder-to-zip, zip-to-folder, zip-to-zip.

The Packer passes the source to according minify plugin depending on the file type. The css and js that detected inside the html are minified too. The html, css and js are looked for the embedded php to minify (except obfuscated js). You can create the user plugins for more file types.

The js and php code can be obfuscated to inhibit its unauthorized use. The reverse engineering of the packed code becomes too expensive. The identifiers replacement algorithm used by the Packer is more protective than trivial applying of the base64_encode and eval. However, you must follow certain naming rules to avoid the renaming conflicts. The php obfuscation is supported by the standard edition.

There are several options to control the processing. Use them for specific cases and rely on defaults mostly. Launch the Packer via the GUI or instantiate and call directly. Various statistics are returned about the processing results. You can display and/or save this data.


The Packer has the free and extended versions. Free version minifies the source and can be launched via instantiation only.

Extended version includes also the GUI and requires the setup (license registration) before using. The extended version has the following editions:

  • PackApp Lte - lite edition; minifies the source (html, css, js, json, php, xml) and obfuscates the JavaScript code.
  • PackApp Std - standard edition; supplies the lite functionality and obfuscates the PHP code.

You can obtain the extended version from [here].

The usage

The program requires PHP 5.4+. Start it from your script via GUI (except free version) or instantiation (see The package).

The starter script must be in the same directory with the PackApp.php:


A) Launching the GUI:

echo PackApp::Packer();

B) Instantiation and invocation:

$obj = new PackApp( [$lvl [,$opt]] );

$obj->Pack( $old [,$new [,$rpl]] );

The parameters

$lvl - processing level, the sum of the following integers:

  • 0 - minify (default)
  • 1 - encode JS (Base62, shrink variables)
  • 2 - obfuscate PHP (replace identifiers)
  • 4 - compact CSS (remove excessive data)

$opt - the options array:

  • exf - array of the folder/file name wildcards to exclude from the packing (default by ['\.min.\'])
  • sbd - recurse sub-directories (default by true)
  • cpy - copy non-minified files (default by true)
  • pgn - user plugins (see below)
  • sfx - default destination name suffix (default by '_pkd')
  • sgn - signature to prepend to the minified php/js/css code (specify empty value to suppress the default); the replacements: - {app} - Packer name; - {ver} - Packer version; - {time} - current UTC time;
  • tml - time limit in seconds the program is allowed to run (for larger projects, default by 30)
  • log - logging level number: 0 - no, 1 - ok only, 2 - all (default by 0)

PHP obfuscation options:

  • ids - the identifiers replacement flags (in any sequence, lowercase means case-insensitive, default by 'VDHF'): - V - variables/properties - D|d - defined and class constants (d - defined constants only) - H - heredocs/nowdocs - F|f - functions/methods - C|c - classes - T|t - traits
  • exi - array of the identifier wildcards to exclude from the obfuscation (added to predefined ones)
  • pfi - prefix of the replacement identifier (default by '_')
  • lni - replacement identifier's left-padding length with zeroes (default by 0 - no padding)
  • dbg - debugging flag (default by false, true - don't minify)

$old - source file/folder/archives

$new -- destination (default by $old value suffixed by sfx option value)

$rpl -- replace destination if exists (default by false)

Return data

The $obj->Pack() returns the results associative array:

  • code - 'ok' means success; failed otherwise
  • prompt - brief message about the success/fail/error
  • factor - the statistics array (success); if string then the installer html (except free version)
  • string - the statistics text (newline-separated)

You can display and/or save the statistics. See example.php about the using.


The files are minified by default and obfuscated (js, php) if required. The php templates are packed for the html, js, css, php. The source file is processed when its type matches one of the following (wildcards allowed);

  • \htm\ - html code (htm, html, phtml, ...)
  • css\* - stylesheet
  • js - JavaScript code
  • json - json string
  • xml - xml source
  • php\* - php code
  • inc - php code

The rest of the files are simply copied or skipped. Use the pgn option for additional types (see below). The folder or archived source is saved to the destination folder or archived depending on the $new parameter.


The source files of relevant file type are minified by removing the comments, whitespaces and linebreaks. The \htm\ files are checked for the style and script tags which content is minified too. The files (except xml) are checked also for the php tags to pack their content.


The minified source is obfuscated depending on the $lvl parameter value. The JavaScript code is packed into the eval() statement replacing the original identifiers. The PHP obfuscation requires the standard edition.


The package includes the plugins to minify according sources (see The package). You can define your own plugins for additional file types with the pgn option:

['pgn' => ['type' => flag]]

  • type - source file type, must be in accordance with the class name (for example, 'sql' requires PackSQL.php)
  • flag - boolean true - check for the embedded php code, false - bypass check

For example:

$obj = new PackApp(1, ['pgn' => ['sql' => false]]);

Place your plugin class into the plugins folder. Make it callable via static minify method like here:

public static function minify($source, $options = []) {
  $min = new self($options);
  return $min->process($source);

Please [contact] if you would like to include your own plugin(s) into the package.

PHP obfuscation

The standard edition with the PackAppO add-on is required for the PHP obfuscation. It's recommended to follow certain naming rules in the planning and coding stage already to avoid the renaming conflicts (see below).

The php source is processed in two passes. 1st pass registers the identifiers found from the code during the minifying. 2nd pass performs cross-file renaming of the identifiers registered by 1st pass. The following identifiers can be replaced depending on the obf option:

  • variables/properties
  • constants (class and defined ones)
  • heredocs/nowdocs
  • functions/methods
  • classes
  • traits

The replacement can be case-insensitive (except variables/properties, heredocs/nowdocs, class constants).

PHP identifiers

Use the identifiers exclusion list (exi option) and follow the naming rules to avoid the identifiers' replacement conflicts:

  1. Be careful with the variable variables ($$var) or add their names to the exclusion list (see example).
  2. Don't use the variable names that are the same as any (system) object property name used in the application.
  3. The user constant name must not coincide with any system constant name used in the application.
  4. The element name which value is got via __get/__set magic methods from the array/object or is computed, must not be the same as any variable/property name used in application.
  5. Don't obfuscate the class/trait names which to be autoloaded, and class/method/function names specified in the callbacks, like call_user_func('myclass','mymethod').
  6. The identifiers prefixed by '__' are not obfuscated. You can use this for your identifiers exclusion too.
  7. Prefix your identifiers or add to exclusion list, if necessary, to follow (2,3,4,5).
  8. Be careful with the case-insensitive names of the functions, classes, traits and defined constants.
  9. Sample naming conventions: - variables, properties, constants - in camelCase; - heredocs, nowdocs - in UPPERCASE; - functions, methods, classes, traits - in PascalCase;

These rules are natural to follow and secure from the identifier name collisions. Use the dbg option to fix the renaming issues in the non-minified obfuscated result.


Unzip the obtained package and upload the files to your selected web directory. Then run example.php. The extended version requires the Setup before exploiting. It launches the installer automatically if not set up yet. Run PackApp.php from the browser to launch the installer directly.

The included example minifies/obfuscates the files from the and outputs the result into the tests_pkd folder. A message informs about the result. The statistics collected by the packer are displayed and saved into example.txt.

Make a copy from the example.php and try it with different sources, destinations and options. Run index.php to launch the GUI supplied by an extended version.


The extended version supplies the version updates. The About section of the GUI displays the installation and update information and allows to edit your contact data. Run PackApp.php from the browser and click the Update button to check for the updates directly. Your contact data will be used for important product-related messages only. If your contacts change, please edit.

If the updating fails on any reason then the update.php and update.json files created allow to restore - run update.php.

The package

The plugins folder contains the minifiers adapted from the open source. The addons folder is not included in free version. The files list:

  • PackApp.php - applications packer class
  • PackApp.log - packer log (created dynamically)
  • addons/.htaccess - deny access from outside
  • addons/PackAppO.php - obfuscation extension class
  • addons/PackAppS.php - services class
  • addons/PackAppS.json - configuration settings
  • plugins/PackCSS.php - stylesheets minifier class by [Tubal Martin]
  • plugins/PackHTM.php - html's minifier class by [Stephen Clay]
  • plugins/PackJS.php - js minifier class by [Ryan Grove] and js compressor class by [Nicolas Martin], originally by Dean Edwards
  • plugins/PackJSON.php - json minifier class by [Tiste], originally by [Kyle Simpson]
  • plugins/PackPHP.php - php minifier class, adjusted from the algorithm by [GelaMu]
  • plugins/PackXML.php - xml minifier class by [Vallo Reima]
  • example.php - instantiation sample script
  • - test files for the usage sample
  • index.php - GUI starter script (except free version)

Special thanks to the authors referred. Please [contact] for any questions regarding the Packer.

[contact]: mailto:// [here]: [Tubal Martin]: [Stephen Clay]: [Nicolas Martin]: [Ryan Grove]: [Tiste]: [Kyle Simpson]: [GelaMu]: [Vallo Reima]:


  • 16 Aug 2016 - Compact CSS option ($lvl parameter) - GUI result download
  • 19 Oct 2016 - ZipArchive PHP7 compatibility

  Files folder image Files (11)  
File Role Description
Files folder imageplugins (6 files)
Accessible without login Plain text file composer.json Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file example.php Example Example script
Accessible without login Plain text file LICENSE Lic. License text
Plain text file PackApp.php Class Class source
Accessible without login Plain text file Doc. Documentation

  Files folder image Files (11)  /  plugins  
File Role Description
  Plain text file PackCSS.php Class Class source
  Plain text file PackHTM.php Class Class source
  Plain text file PackJS.php Class Class source
  Plain text file PackJSON.php Class Class source
  Plain text file PackPHP.php Class Class source
  Plain text file PackXML.php Class Class source

The PHP Classes site has supported package installation using the Composer tool since 2013, as you may verify by reading this instructions page.
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Very well coded and very useful.
8 years ago (Terry Woody)